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Ron Watkins: Snubbed by both Trump and the Jan 6 committee? Harsh.

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The Jan 6 hearings have been pretty amazing. But no mention of Ron? What []


Q patriots wonder how monkeypox fits in the satanic libturd Dumbocrat ‘plandemic’

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Q patriots wonder how monkeypox fits in the satanic libturd Dumbocrat []

FBI arrests one of the vilest of trolls: Those who torment parents of murdered kids

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For Q patriots, anyone who dies under the age of 50 is obviously the victim of the satanic libturd Dumbocrats and their []

And so Missouri Senator Josh Hawley sprints his way into the history books

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And so Josh Hawley sprints into the history []

Far-right mass shootings are increasing, but at least they’re not jihadists, right?

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Taking the pulse of the Q []

Experts: Dominion could file one of those billion-dollar suits against Trump and win

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Q patriots in []

Q patriots gear up for the misdemeanor trial of the century

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Q patriots gear up for the misdemeanor trial of the []

Q patriots look for any theories to explain heat waves except, well, you know

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Want to cheer up your depressed Q patriot neighbor? Tell them the world is ending and mass slaughter is []

Q patriots find more evidence that Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the world

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Q patriots find more evidence that Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the []

Q patriots are having a difficult time believing details of Ivana Trump’s death

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Q patriots are having a hard time believing that Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, 73, fell to her death on stairs in her own New York apartment. []