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Q patriots in a frenzy after the death of one of their favorite sources of global conspiracies

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Q patriots are in a frenzy after the death of one of their favorite sources of global []


‘My Son Hunter,’ your red-pilled uncle’s next obsession, is ‘totally nuts’

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Q patriots are not happy that a New Mexico county commissioner has been removed from office for participating in the Jan 6 insurrection. []

Can the Dumbocrats stop targeting Q patriots with all of this apocalyptic weather already?

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Can the satanic libturd Dumbocrats stop targeting Q patriots with all of this apocalyptic weather []

Trump keeps feeding the fire, and Fox News email emerges that may fuel lawsuit

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Trump keeps feeding the []

It’s rally season, and the rhetoric is off the hook: Bring on the storm!

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It’s rally season, and we are []

Trump melts down over Bill Barr’s defense of FBI raid, leaving Q patriots bewildered

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After former Attorney General Bill Barr destroyed Trump’s defenses about the classified docs while he was being interviewed on Fox News, Dan Scavino posted an image of Barr and Trump back in the day, leaving Q patriots to wonder, what does it mean? What does it []

While Trump amps up his followers with Q bait, patriots worry a false flag event is coming

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Q patriots figure a big false flag event is about to happen. []

The president went after MAGA extremism, and Q patriots are not happy about it

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The president went after MAGA extremism, and the Q patriots are not happy about []

Q patriots might be getting nervous about a Trump v. DeSantis showdown in 2024

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Q patriots might be getting a little nervous about a Trump v. DeSantis showdown in []

Feds release photo of classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago, and, oh wow

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Q patriots have the highest respect for the law enforcement officials handling what was seized from []