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After Newsmax gives her the boot, Q-pilled Lara Logan digs in even deeper

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Onward, Christian []


‘Where is Nancy?’ pilled patriot shouted before attacking Speaker Pelosi’s husband

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‘Where is Nancy?’ pilled patriot shouted before attacking Speaker Pelosi’s []

Dinesh D’Souza and ‘2000 Mules’ sued by voter who says he was defamed

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Real-life []

Q patriots are ready for angry Jesus to smite the satanic libturd Dumbocrats

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Once again: It’s the []

Probing the minds of election deniers as the next chance to vote nears

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 The mind of an election []

What it’s like when Dad goes full-blown QAnon

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When Dad goes []

Creepy voter intimidation a troubling sign as 2022 Election Day nears

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So long, []

Q patriots aren’t happy about Lara Logan getting booted from Newsmax

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Q patriots weren’t very happy about Lara Logan getting booted from Newsmax for going full QAnon []

It’s holy war in America, and the satanic Dumbocrats are the target

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Onward, Christian []

Lara Logan goes full QAnon loony, gets booted from Newsmax

 Some links to Q-related items today…

The satanic libturd Democrats are after your pure blood []