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DeSantis and Christie unload on frontrunner Trump in new ads

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Donny already planning authoritarian payback when he’s back in the saddle

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Q patriots: The real Maverick bides his time after winning the 2020 election

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RFK Jr and the magazine that was revived by JFK Jr/QAnon fans

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Mar-a-Lago is a nonstop party, the surest sign that the storm is near

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The usual gang provided spooky fun at Mar-a-Lago for their main man

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John Fetterman gives the conspiracy nuts a fine how do you do

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Speaker Johnson is busy scrubbing online past, like wife’s nutty counseling group

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NRA puts out ad with our new pious Speaker in wake of another deadly gun rampage

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Six years later, QAnon chugs along like any religion predicting the end of the world

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