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Leaked tape: We have a holy warrior on the Supreme Court and libturds are freaking out

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Q patriots are sure their man is a shoe-in for November

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Even after jury hoax debunked, Trump and supporters desperately cling to it

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Hannity bit hard on the Facebook hoax that Judge Merchan flagged in Trump trial

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While Biden attends D-Day event, Fuentes laments that the Nazis lost

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Trump on a $500 bill? Goofy Gosar wants to make it happen

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Trump puts out SOS that he’s a political prisoner in a failing nation

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Mother Jones: How QAnon took over the mainstream

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Trump gets trounced by media for claiming he didn’t say ‘Lock her up’ in 2016

[“You’d be in jail”]

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Q patriots unhappy that Aaron Rodgers snubbed Trump at UFC event

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