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Biden a glitchy hologram say perfectly normal right wing media outlets

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Q patriots really bewildered by Trump and the vaccine, while HBO prepares to name Q

[Ron Watkins]

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Q patriots continue to be urged to watch for ‘subtle’ signs that the plan is working

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Flynn keeps working the Q grift, and Facebook finds only 111 trolls are behind worst abuse

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Could just 111 people be causing most of the damage the Internet is doing to the brains of our fellow []

She died for their cause, but now Q patriots doubt that she’s even dead

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Ashli? Come on, her death was staged, []

Q patriots plan worldwide rallies on March 20, while some fret about being arrested

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Q going worldwide? Patriots seem tentative about []

Patriots ponder: Does Q go back to JFK or JFK Jr? Or both?

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Does Q go back to JFK or JFK Jr? Or []

Trump’s endorsement of Covid vaccines has Q patriots very confused

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Trump’s endorsement of the vaccines is really throwing patriots for a []

Patriots dealing with headaches as they wait for ‘Joe Biden’ to rip his mask off

[For Dr. Carrie, the Jan 6 riot was only a warm-up on her anti-vaxx crusade]

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“Single parenting is tough but []

No shortage of fake news catering to Q patriots assures that they have plenty to hope for

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Depressed that mass arrests and executions aren’t happening? Think outside the box, []