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Trump thrashes Fauci over his emails, but Q patriots wince at his pro-vaccine rant

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Trump dunks on Fauci, but Q patriots are bewildered that he keeps promoting the vaccine they say is killing []


Trump pulls plug on blog, patriots convinced it’s all part of the plan

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The Trump being shut down for lack of readership is all part of the plan! ‘Patriots in []

Pillow guy announces ‘Maga Frank’ event as the Q grift goes on and on

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Joe Biden keeps presidenting, and it is driving Q patriots around the []

Bat signed by Gen. Flynn goes for $8K at QAnon conference as the grift goes on and on

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Q patriots continue to await sweet vindication, like the day they’ll be able to fly and the vaccinated can go stuff []

Michael Flynn endorses Myanmar-like coup for the US at QAnon shindig in Dallas

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Who needs a vaccine when you can make your own bathtub []

At Dallas patriot event, plenty of signs that Q is still holding sway

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Black marchers commemorate the horror of the 1921 Tulsa massacre, and Q patriots react pretty much how you’d []

Scaling the mystery of Jackie Jones Mountain: The backstory

[The view from on top of Rockland County, New York]

Over at The Daily Beast we have an unusual story about the kind of adventure you can find yourself in during a pandemic lockdown and practically in your own backyard.

And it all started with a bicycle []

How much longer can Q patriots wait for mayhem and death to cover the land?

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Are you losing hope, patriot, or just running out of []

Despite recent and repeated debunkings, QAnon ideas still held by millions of Americans

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When even the prospect of Trump being arrested is part of “the plan,” what []

Ron Watkins shifts focus to UFO ‘disclosure’ as patriot grift as Q wanes

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Even Q patriots are becoming numb to the mass []