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Trump launches own social media platform, which is immediately hacked and suspended

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Satanic congressional Dumbocrats and their RINO allies threaten Steve Bannon with contempt, and the patriots are not having []


Q patriot tells friendly FBI agents she wants to be a human shield in coming civil war

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Hey, the FBI came by today. Here’s a report from “Men don’t mask” patriot Christina []

Q patriots: How do we keep vaxxed Dumbocrat blood from entering our veins?

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How do we keep vaxxed Dumbocrat blood from entering our []

GOP elected officials, Q patriots, and neo-Nazi propaganda: It’s a frothy mix

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When there’s infighting between the likes of Lin Wood and Marjorie Taylor Greene, it really throws the Q patriots for a []

You can always count on fellow Q patriots to help you stay vulnerable to a lethal virus

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You can always count on fellow Q patriots to help you stay vulnerable to a lethal []

A new truther movement emerges: Did Trump get the Pfizer jab or didn’t he?

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A new truther movement emerges: Did Trump get the Pfizer jab or didn’t []

He’s Q, he’s rested, he’s ready: Ron Watkins announces for Congress in nutty Arizona

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Family wants to put a muzzle on you and have you committed? It’s only a sign the storm is still []

Q patriots can rely on each other for helpful tips about life in the coming apocalypse

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Their families have disowned them, their spouses have dumped them, and they can’t leave the house because all of you vaxxed Dumbocrats are shedding the virus. But Q patriots are still sticking together online, preparing for the coming storm when not only will the military begin public beheadings of Dem []

‘God is in our corner’: What it’s like when a new digital warrior joins the Q patriots

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“God is in our []

Clever Q patriots have figured out how to use Bluetooth to identify vaxxed Dumbocrats

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Q patriot discovers a brilliant way to detect vaxxed Dumbocrats standing []