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Patriots plan another virtual Thanksgiving after driving away family over Q bullshit

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Q patriots react to the news about Britney with the usual taste and []


Q patriots tortured imagining Hillary & Obama back in White House through a back door

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Q patriots love torturing themselves by imagining their worst nightmares coming true, like Hillary Clinton somehow still getting the presidency through a back []

Q patriots can’t help wondering if the Rittenhouse trial is another Dumbocrat hoax

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Q patriots debate whether the Rittenhouse case is all just another Dumbocrat hoax to distract from the coming []

As long as everyone’s wearing masks, Q patriots wonder about Melania because why the hell not

[Diana, as she would look at 60, and her beloved?]

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Will Trump ever show the world who he’s really married []

Flynn’s ‘one religion’ speech: It probably sounded better in the original German

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Billionaire risktaker rides into space with Shatner, then crashes his Cessna a month later and dies. The satanic Dumbocrats have to be involved, []

Barbara Bush didn’t like where the GOP was going, and can you blame her?

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In February 2018, after Trump’s election to the White House, Barbara Bush told a USA Today reporter that she no longer considered herself a []

Steve Bannon’s indictment has Q patriots ecstatic: The storm is here!

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Steve Bannon being indicted has the Q patriots more ready than ever for the []

Golden Gate Bridge anti-mandate protest leaves 5 injured, including 2 CHP officers

[Scientologist Leigh Dundas throws an anti-vaxx party at the Golden Gate]

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When are these journalists going to get a clue that Trump is still []

QAnon’s proof that the White House ‘Joe Biden’ is a body double: An Onion article from 2011

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After Colin Powell’s funeral, the sleuths got to []

Throwing the book at the QAnon Shaman: Chansley looking at 4-plus years in prison

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Terpsechore Maras-Lindeman, a/k/a “Tore Says,” may have pushed the grift just a little too far this []