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About 1,200 people die each year because of this dope’s misreading of the Bible

 This is Nathan Homer Knorr. He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1905, and by the age of 18 he was so dedicated to his faith he was volunteering at the Watch Tower headquarters of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. []


Lloyd Evans premieres new film about JW child abuse cover-up: ‘Reclaimed Voices’

 Lloyd Evans is premiering a new film today, Reclaimed Voices: Abuse Survivors Speak Out, and we were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at some of it. As usual, Lloyd’s production qualities are first rate, and the subject matter is stunning. []

Jerry Minor didn’t get quite the star-turn he deserved on the ‘Aftermath’ JW special

 Leah Remini’s JW special was outstanding, there’s simply no doubt about it. But it dawned on us later that the program did miss out on one opportunity, and that was to make a slightly bigger deal about one of its guests. []

Shannon Rowland on the JW paradox: ‘You’re set up for failure, but too terrified to leave’

 We were really impressed by Shannon Rowland’s appearance on the Aftermath Jehovah’s Witnesses special, so we decided to ask her about []

Lloyd Evans on ‘Aftermath:’ The most significant TV journalism ever done on JW

 We finally got a chance to catch up with Lloyd Evans to ask him about his appearance on Leah Remini’s special Aftermath episode about Jehovah’s Witnesses. []