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When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard revealed how crazy your afterlife will be

[L. Ron loved his space opera]

On Easter Sunday, we joined in with Mike Rinder to tell you about L. Ron Hubbard’s history of describing Christianity as a fraud perpetrated by a galactic overlord. []


When L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology followers put him on the spot about space opera

 While we were tracking down a few L. Ron Hubbard references to put some finishing touches on last week’s piece about Scientology and astronomy, we ran into something kind of unusual that we thought we’d share with []

Scientology’s founder said Mars was inhabited, & now a Scientologist helps run Perseverance!

[JPL’s Robert Hogg and Perseverance]

Yesterday, NASA reported that Ingenuity, the helicopter carried by Perseverance to Mars, will have to put off its maiden flight until at least next []