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Would-be Norway mosque terrorist makes Nazi salute in court again

Some 74 years after the Nazi threat was put down with force by the world’s democracies, little Nazi shits like this keep popping up like mushrooms after rain with increasing frequency.

This is Philip Manshaus, a Norwegian Nazi who shot his step-sister dead with three shots to the head because, prosecutors believe, she had been adopted by his father’s girlfriend in China and therefore didn’t deserve to live as a non-Aryan. He then went to a mosque in Oslo on August 10 and began firing, but he was heroically tackled by a 65-year-old member of the mosque, the only person injured in the attack.

Manshaus had previously made the Nazi salute in court, and Newsweek says he did again at a hearing this morning.

Because it’s Norway, Manshaus will likely have a less harsh future than he would receive in this country. But Nazi thugs have also been showing up openly here as well.


Not long ago, we realized that one of the people on the Scientology boards we frequent was spouting stuff right out of ‘Mein Kampf.’ Stunned, we asked him, are you a Nazi?

“I prefer National Socialist,” he said.

They’re out in the open. They’re proud of their hatred and racism. And the best we can do is to expose them as often as we can. Please, help us name and shame by dropping us a line whenever you spot a Nazi in the open.

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