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Patriots bolstered by Mike Lee’s tantrum and fantasies of Jan 6 being even more violent

Some links to Q-related items today…

Watching the footage at the impeachment trial while wishing it would have gone differently and someone would have laid a stunner on Nancy…



Patriots were encouraged by Senator Mike Lee’s tantrum at the impeachment trial yesterday — hey, who let the Karen in?


Meanwhile, the pope wears shoes made from the skin of children. Did you know this?


Wait, not everyone is on board with the March 4 thing?


Only 6 percent, sure. But that’s millions


Looking for some background on the QAnon movement? We recommend Travis View’s excellent recent article at New York magazine as a place to start.


THE LOWDOWN is our blog for news, the QAnon phenomenon, and other subjects not related to our coverage of the Church of Scientology. If it’s our Scientology coverage you’re looking for, please use this bookmark for our latest stories.

Posted by Tony Ortega on February 11, 2021 at 9:10


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