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Michigan physician assistant helping out in NYC writes righteous response to Lansing protesters

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

Michigan physician assistant voluntarily deployed to NYC pens righteously pissed off response to the idiot protesters in her home state. Seriously, read her:

Currently I’m eating lunch in NYC next to not one, not two, not three but FOUR refrigerator trucks full of dead bodies. Did you know the first one was just delivered to one of our major hospitals in Detroit? I left my husband and three children to voluntarily deploy to NYC to help with the crisis and now I’m going to be returning in a few weeks to watch the same absolute horror unfold in my own city.


Do you want to know WHY places like NYC aren’t whining and bitching about this because almost ALL of them have been on the receiving end of a phone call that someone they love lost the fight. This will be Metro-Detroit soon partly in thanks to you. Can’t WAIT for the second wave in a few weeks and for all of the counties that were NOT affected to have a huge spike in numbers. Many with very little resources.

You ought to be absolutely ashamed of yourselves and don’t even get me started on blocking access to the hospital and impeding / distracting from patient care during this absurd stunt.

Are all of the people “protesting” in Lansing today and stabbing all of us healthcare providers in the back planning on quarantining for 14 days? Paying their $1000 fee for meeting with a group greater than 10? Giving up their right to a ventilator and medical attention? Signing DNRs? You’re all assholes. If you support that group today, you are too.

Ironic that your little stunt just extended our quarantine fools and further damaged our economy and killed thousands of people.

Mark my words. I’ve watched this first hand in a major city like ours and I can’t even begin to explain the sheer terror that is headed your way.

Not media. No fear mongering. First hand account of THE TRUTH. Disappointed in my fellow Michiganders. Terrified for them. Exhausted from the prospect that I’ll be doing this for months.

Edit: Slight modification to add what I’ve posted publicly elsewhere after this post got so much attention on social media and I’m hoping this resonates with people.

— Monika Lewis

Echoing the author’s sentiment, it’s depressing that so many areas of the country evidently believe it can’t happen there, that they’re somehow comprised of different physiological matter, immune to a virus that’s killed so indiscriminately.

But then, the virus hasn’t been entirely indiscriminate, disproportionately impacting minority communities for whom “social distance” is an unattainable privilege.

Accordingly, it’s no coincidence that these pro-ronavirus rallies are attended by red-hatted Trump supporters. If the virus so happens to hit minority communities harder, that’s not their problem. Cook County IL, Wayne County MI, NYC — ghettos to the MAGA crowd.

I also don’t believe it was a coincidence that so many Michigan protesters were openly carrying automatic weapons, because the attitude here tracks the gun control debate — the cities disproportionately pay for the rest of the country’s “freedom,” and anything less is tyranny.

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