Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…
In 2012-13, Donald Trump repeatedly signaled his cynical belief that starting a war with Iran was a smart strategy available to President Obama to raise his poll numbers and reelection chances.
His belief that Obama could solve his domestic political problems by starting a war with Iran (in hindsight incorrectly, as Obama got reelected and remained popular) is illustrative of Trump’s idea bankruptcy and propensity toward projection. Historically, going to war has boosted a president’s poll numbers and Trump’s tweets about Obama reflect that assumption.
Debates will ensue about the relevant facts and dissections of the Iran and Iraq conflict and larger region history, and that’s all important, but the reason this got to this point is almost certainly because Trump believes, as he has evidently long believed, that he can resolve his own domestic political crisis by starting a war with Iran.