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ABC7 in Los Angeles covers the Scientology Narconon fraud hearing — with sketches!

[Judge Michael Pastor, Hanan Islam and her son Rizza Islam in court yesterday]

Thanks to producer Lisa Bartley, ABC 7 in Los Angeles has always showed more interest in local Scientology stories, and they were the only channel to cover yesterday’s decision by Judge Michael Pastor to bound over for trial the defendants in a Scientology Narconon fraud case we’ve been watching.

This is a short report, but well done, and we especially appreciate the sketches by Mona S. Edwards which give us a good sense of what it was like to see Hanan Islam and her son Rizza Islam in jail blues and handcuffed to their chairs.

See Jeffrey Augustine’s full report on what went on this hearing, a story we posted this morning.

Here’s the video…



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