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Sunday Funnies: Scientology celebrates the holidays!

KadieSmallWhile Boing Boing recently went bananas over a single piece of Scientology mail (which itself consisted of only a single line of writing), our loyal readers here at the Underground Bunker know that week in and week out, we bring you a mother lode of wacky Scientology mailers that we call Sunday Funnies.

And this week, we have quite a haul. From San Diego to Scotland, we have quite a collection of notices put out by various Scientology organizations as they do their best to convince members to sign up for courses or make donations.

As usual, we look forward to your interpretations and close readings of these nutty fliers.

Let’s start in England where folks are thrilled now that the Golden Age of Tech Phase II has been released!



Hey, we always want you to give us your money, but especially right now!


We only wish we could have attended this party last night…


We hadn’t actually heard of any of the world’s top comedians, but maybe you have…


The Lakers? This is a new one on us…


“Abstract emotionalism”? Don’t remember that one from art history class…


Hey, they’re building a purif in Scotland…


These folks have turned over a ton of money with honors


‘Tis the season to pay for the purif in Scotland!


Insouciant? “I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.”


Higher IQ in only a week! Where do we sign up!


Once again, we’re grateful to our tipsters. Keep those fliers coming!


Karen de la Carriere on Quentin Hubbard

Another interesting video from Karen de la Carriere…



Posted by Tony Ortega on December 15, 2013 at 07:00

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