On Sundays, we enjoy revealing to you the latest mailers and fliers that our tipsters have forwarded to us. We call it Sunday Funnies after the weekly ritual that dear Grandad enjoyed in this thing they used to call a “newspaper.”
This week, we have lots of items from around the world. So grab a cup of coffee, throw that tab of butter on a stack of pancakes, and enjoy Sunday morning as we learn about the new ways Scientology is begging for money.
Up first: We’re having flashbacks to May, when the last Scientology “Ideal Org” was opened in Portland, Oregon, and our man Mark Bunker was on the scene. We asked then which city would be next in line for a grand opening, and we suspected the next Ideal Org dedication might take place in Taiwan.
We were right, but we had no idea it was coming up so soon!
Considering how much fun we had relaying reports from Oregon in May and from the Super Power Building grand opening in Clearwater, Florida two weeks ago, is it too much to ask for a few Taiwanese readers to let us know what’s happening in Kaohsiung?

Meanwhile, things are booming in England — how can you keep from joining Ron’s team at Saint Hill!
Can you think of another church that needs to recruit for a “Technical Training Corps”?
At least in San Diego, the Golden Age of Technology Phase II is packing them in!
We’ll have more to say about the new Ultra Mark VIII e-meters, but for now, just marvel at these new features!
Hey, Ryan Beaty forked over a buttload of money to show up on this flier, and he gets an LRH quote which means…what, exactly?
Hey, they finally got a photograph of a body thetan!
And finally, let’s hear it for Austin Kane, who kept blowing charge Down Under.
Thanks again to our tipsters. Keep those items coming!
Posted by Tony Ortega on December 1, 2013 at 07:20
E-mail your tips and story ideas to tonyo94@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter. We post behind-the-scenes updates at our Facebook author page. Here at the Bunker we try to have a post up every morning at 7 AM Eastern (Noon GMT), and on some days we post an afternoon story at around 2 PM. After every new story we send out an alert to our e-mail list and our FB page.