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Gov. Mary Fallin

Gov. Mary Fallin

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin today signed SB 295, turning “Stacy’s Bill” into “Stacy’s Law.”

On July 19, 2012, Stacy Dawn Murphy died of an overdose at Narconon Arrowhead, the Church of Scientology’s flagship drug rehab facility near Canadian, Oklahoma. Hers was the third patient death in only nine months, and it launched county and state investigations, multiple lawsuits, and now a new law that will give the state greater oversight of the facility.

Governor Fallin took less than a week to sign the bill after it was forwarded to her by the state legislature.

“I think she did it because it gives the state agencies more time to formulate the new rules. And it keeps Scientology from lobbying her not to sign it,” says Stacy’s father, Robert Murphy.

He tells us the law will actually take effect on November 1. And between now and then, he says he’s going to regroup and try to get more peace into his life after what has been a tumultuous ten months since the death of his daughter.

“I was just sitting her praying when you called me, asking God to restore some joy for me,” he said to us by telephone today. “It’s not easy with a broken heart.”


His spirits picked up, however, when he referred to SB 295 as Stacy’s Bill and we pointed out that it’s now Stacy’s Law.

“Hey, I like that. And it’s like Murphy’s Law: If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong — for Narconon,” he said with a laugh.

“Wow. Talk about a clear message,” said Luke Catton, former president of Narconon Arrowhead, when we told him the news. “It’s an overflow of action finally being taken against them. With all the other things that are happening right now — attorney Gary Richardson and his lawsuits in Oklahoma, the investigation in Georgia, and there’s so much more evidence of fraud all over the country. I think we’re going to see even more action in the future.”

“People are demanding action, and it’s finally starting to happen,” he added.


Posted by Tony Ortega on May 7, 2013 at 18:30

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