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VIDEO LEAK: Scientology’s November IAS Gala, featuring a slimmed-down David Miscavige

IASDMOur video elves have been busy again, and we have another treat for you.

A source has made available for us video from Scientology’s historic IAS gala, which took place in November in a giant tent in Clearwater, Florida.

The International Association of Scientologists was founded in 1984 as a legal defense fund for the church. Members are constantly hit up for donations to the IAS, and are told to “up their status” by giving thousands and thousands more. Usually, the IAS gala is held in October in England, and is a time for celebrating Scientology’s successes during the year. This time, however, Scientology leader David Miscavige had the giant tent shipped from England and held the event in Florida, part of what seems to be an increasing consolidation of the movement in Clearwater.

Like other events, the IAS gala features Miscavige giving a three-hour presentation to a few thousand enthusiastic followers. For those who can only take Miscavige in brief doses, it may come as a relief to know that our source has posted the event in 5- or 6-minute segments, and we present here in total only the initial 35-minute portion of the entire event. More will come later.

As for Miscavige himself, a still image from this presentation was leaked to the Internet earlier, and there was a lot of speculation about his appearance. Miscavige does seem to have lost weight, but watching him in action, we aren’t convinced that we’re seeing an ill man. He looks pretty healthy to us. And, of course, he’s as optimistic as ever, telling his flock that Scientology is succeeding in its war against psychiatry. We look forward to your impressions.


Also, we have now posted Mike Rinder’s sworn declaration and the 2007 text messages which were submitted last week in Monique Rathbun’s harassment lawsuit against Scientology.


Posted by Tony Ortega on January 6, 2014 at 07:00

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