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Sunday Special: Remembering Some People Who Mattered

NFDetailThe last couple of weeks have been very intense here at the Underground Bunker — culminating in Friday’s devastating release of Laura DeCrescenzo’s “pc files” and the picture of Sea Org slavery that they portray.

On Sundays, we like to relax a bit by enjoying the wacky Scientology mailers that our tipsters have forwarded during the week. This time, however, we have something a little different for you.

We asked Observer, our shoop expert, to put together an image that came to us recently as the comments section here at the Bunker went through a few days with more agita than usual. We are very fortunate to have such an intelligent discussion happening here, with many great regulars. But like any Internet forum, things can get a bit wild and woolly. For some reason, as things got heated, an image came into focus of the folks who might be keeping a close watch on the news we break here at the Bunker, as well as the many great contributions by our readers. And here’s what we asked Observer to create for us.



You’ll probably recognize the people who are pictured keeping up on Scientology news in this image. On the right, that’s Lisa McPherson and Ida Camburn. On the bench are Robert Vaughn Young, Bob Minton, and Gabe Cazares. Standing on the left is Alex Jentzsch, sitting in the foreground is Quentin Hubbard, and providing shade are the Clearwater Oaks.

Our thanks to Observer, who did such a great job making this look like the idyllic scene we had in mind. And to our commenters, thanks for making this such a great place to hang out.


Posted by Tony Ortega on October 13, 2013 at 07:00

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